

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

still only $2! (or should I raise it to $3?)

Gabe hand made some pita bread and for breakfast I had a chicken, tomato, lettuce, mayo, pita bread sandwich. Mmm it was quite good! Well it was more like a late lunch. I didn't eat it till I got to school and was waiting for my screens to dry.

I left my main keys at home because Katie was gone and Gabe needed to get in and out. He was going to be around the apartment all day so no big thing. Dominic offered to help me print, so that was awesome. Yay.

The emulsion was down to a half inch worth of viscous dregs. I barely got enough out of the tub to fill the width of the trough spreader. Most of my screens I had to apply the emulsion with a piece of card. See, to put the emulsion on the screen you first pour it into a little handheld trough and then it evens out and with one swipe you can get it nice and covered. But it needs to move and not have chunks to do it easily. I managed to get just enough to cover my three screens. Took some work but I did it.

Used my old transfers and it all went on okay. Dominic stopped by to help when I was in the middle of my first page. He printed the second page and when I used up my pile of paper I printed on the ones he printed and when he finished printing his pile he did the ones I did. We met in the middle and we got about 90 comics done in about an hour and a half. Well 2 pages done. Hurray!

Michaela, Dom's gal, stopped by. I offered her a Luna but she said she already had one that someone have left behind! Well so sad for that person who left it but great that it is found art! Ali was also in. We all talked zines and selling and buying and plans for the symposium.

I did the third by myself and that was very much slow going but not so bad. 3/8 pages done! The second printing looks to probably be about the same number as the first (70). Lost a couple here and there. This one has more green and blue in its colors and I might change the cover. Include a little subheading that says second printing. Boast how well it sold. Heh.

Plan to do another three tomorrow. The emulsion is out, sure, but I think there was a little canister of the green variety. Well I saw it, I just didn't know if it belonged to anyone. No name. I'll give it a shot, I won't use that much as I tend to scrape as much back into the tub as possible. Some people are very wasteful and just wash out the trough with it still mostly full. Bah!

There was a second reception for the MFA Thesis Show so I grabbed some snacks. Talked to Matt and wished Andy a happy birthday. Then I went home. Gabe lowered my keys down on a fishing line from our balcony. Tom was visiting. After printing I was pretty wiped out so I just ate and kicked back. More printing tomorrow! Want to get another 3 pages done. Then 2 the next day. That way I can return and sell plenty back to my dear family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your visit! love, mum