

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Road. So good.

It is 2:20 am and I had to force myself to put down The Road. I am like, 230 pages into it! I knocked off well over half of it in a day. I'm such a slow reader and it is hard for something to grab me this much to just keep going no matter how long I take reading it. So good. I was up late reading it and just the morning I spent reading. I had a stuffy nose so I took a decongestant but it made me way too drowsy and I fell asleep for quite a few many hours.

I didn't plan to do this little today but then again, I didn't really have plans.

But I'm having fun not focusing at all. Tomorrow there is the opening of the thesis shows so I'll have to leave for that.

Gabe's friend Chaz visited and we all hung out and talked about British TV, comics, travels, and whatever else came to mind. Sat about enjoying a mild night.

And eating ice cream. Mmm. Mini drumsticks rock!

The tension in The Road is insane. Right now he is just scavenging this boat and the tide is coming in and he just keeps looking for more and more! Sometimes they stay for so little time in one place and too long in others. It is a post apocalyptic tale about a father and son going across the burned land and trying to find the coast. It is so tense and I know that next time I sit down to read it, I'll finish it.

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