

Saturday, May 9, 2009

check out the video, it's neat

I had a terrible nightmare about being attacked by a T-1000. We got him stuck in a closet and escaped only to have biological warfare zombies come after us! There was a long sequence in which I was in a library and frenzied people were outside. We made a slow retreat (we being me and lots of the MFA's) and then I woke up in a sweat.

I spent today cleaning house. My room was a wreck. Tidied up, cleaned the kitchen, cut out some stuff from magazines, threw out the trash. Did something so not finals to distract from, well, finals. I will document Monday morning, that is my plan. The whole weekend now is set aside for my grand illustration piece. Whoohooo!

Did I mention that there was a redshirt in Star Trek? There totally was a redshirt.

I had a date tonight. Ohhh! How exciting. It was with Travis, the comic liker and animation major from AI. We met at my place at around 8pm and walked up to 21st. The Spike and Mike Animation Festival was playing at Cinema 21 so we went to catch that. We arrived early so we had some tea and Italian soda at Coffee Time. The Spike and Mike festival was very wonderful. Just lots of weird little shorts. Some were sweet but most were weird and a few were just plain gross. But hey, a reaction is still a reaction. My favorite was Aurthur De Pins's Crab Revolution:

Afterwards we walked back and had a pitcher of beer at Goose Hollow Inn. We talked mostly about art and our different approaches to it. Art is wonderful. We both like it. And comics. And school. Yup. After our single little pitcher we decided to take a walk up Washington Park. It was a lovely clear night but it got really chilly. Still we sat on the swings and the bench and shivered and chattered until we could take it no more. With Lucky Luna print in his hand, we parted ways (he only lives about 5 blocks away).

It was a nice little date. I like taking walks around Portland. If only I was in better walking shape (biking yes, walking no). Now to dream hopefully nice dreams.

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