

Monday, January 5, 2009

dream and waking

In my dream it was the painting class final. We were in some basement looking room. Very large and industrial with cement poured walls. At first there were many little tables but through my dream they shifted into a large U-shaped table. My classmates were there plus a few extra people like Marilyn Beck and Michael. Michael put out his piece. It was bound already in a book so we had to pass it around. His was a comic about this intense dragon sea monster fight. The book had the old guy with a guitar on the cover and it was full of short stories and little independent tidbits. My final was set out but I forget what it was. I was the last to leave class. The class was held in the basement of this apartment complex which mirrored the building across the narrow street from it. A man was ushering his wife into one of the apartment buildings and he closed the door and walked away. As I looked around I realized that all of the apartments were full of these wives whose husbands didn’t stick around. One such wife exited her apartment and sat at the outdoor table I was sitting at. She had long dirty blonde hair and an oval face. She was wearing this unflattering dress and looked very sad. She started drawing on the paper I had out. She talked of all the things she wasn’t allowed to do. I asked which church she was in and she said their location was in the Lloyd Center Mall. I cut out a piece of card and started to write her a note telling her that she was definitely special but I kept crossing things out because I spelled them wrong. She smiled and patted my shoulder and went to her apartment. And then I woke up. Her name was Olga, or something similar to that.

Today was mostly occupied with another long date with Jason. He came and picked me up at around 1:40. Right on time. We stopped by Blockbuster and picked up Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and this Korean movie called Time. Turned out he had seen the first but had mostly forgotten it, still very good movie. Time was weird and mostly about really crazy people doing things because they think they are in love. I liked the last 20 minutes which were very intense but a lot of time was spent wandering and being insane. Mmm.

Jason made pizza for dinner. He had premade crust but he topped the toppings himself. The balance in number of topics went very clearly to his side of the pizza. The cheese and spinach Trillian half was very tasty. He made pasta for dinner and the sauce was spruced up with nummy cheese. His place his very tidy and white. Really needs the art that he has hung up on the walls.

It snowed a little bit more but that became slush as the night wore on. A lot of rain water had collected on the roads but it was still drivable. Boy, I don't want to get up for work. Sure I don't need to be up till 7 but still, a bit of a bummer.

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