

Saturday, December 20, 2008

the return, part two: more returning!

Things I forgot to mention from yesterday:

When Karen and I returned from the puppet show, we saw in the parking garage the same truck that smashed the cars. We took down its information and talked to the front desk if it had been reported. She said there was a report but I don’t trust the front desk so I called the police anyway to see if there was a report in progress. It turns out that there was a report but on a totally different car! The red car had moved so that couldn’t be included but if it gets reported than there is at least one case to tie it to. Hurray. And all that jerk had to do was leave a note.

I burned my fingers on a metal spatula that I was unaware of it having conducted heat from the stove. I picked it up and dropped it in surprise and picked it up a second time, figuring that the pain had been mostly shock and that it wasn’t so hot, but nope. It was hot. I’m burned on both pointer fingers and thumbs as well as a part of my hand. It sucks but it is doing fine. In a day or so it will be ripe for picking.


MORE SNOW! It snows and then it melts and then it snows and then it melts and then it snows again. Make up your mind Portland! I got everything packed and headed out with more than enough time to get to school. My shoulders were aching and I was over heated when I arrived at school. And it was snowing again. I dropped off everything in the Illustration room and went to photocopy my sketches. Chatted with Jim a little. We will probably see how bad The Spirit really is when I get back from town (provided I don’t see it with Chris first of course).

The first chunk of Illustration was devoted to this lady from the Rose Parade Council coming in and telling us about the history of the floats and what not. She just loved our ideas. She was also a little off her rocker with caffeine as she works on the 9-1-1 line and was just coming off a 6pm-9am shift. She loved them and Chad said we all got A’s. Yay! Bekka won the grand prize for idea (hers had LCDs, a carousel, a moving sculpture, lights, and an umbrella), Dominic got second and Robin got the prize for quirkyness. The prizes, in order, were $50 at Powells and $50 at some eatery, $50 at Powell’s, and $25 at Powell’s. I would have liked to have won but oh well. The winners were fantastic. Robin had a human pyramid sculpture, Dominic was the bridging of Aliens and Lumberjacks. It would be nice if some of ours get picked.

Chad brought in VooDoo Doughnuts for the class. Some of them were Maple Bars with BACON ON THEM! It was too much delicious for me and it made me a little ill. There were fruit loop doughnuts, Cap’n Crunch, and some other insane ones.

With that for breakfast, I just had to get a good salad and a smoothie for lunch. Have to balance all that crap out. Mmmn.

The rest of class was spent figuring out the winners and deciding on prizes. Madeline helped carry some of my portfolio to the other building. Luggage, backpack, portfolio, and purse. Uhg, so heavy and cumbersome but worth it. Once I start making comics, I’ll just be able to tote those around instead of the pieces.

This has been a really hard semester. A lot of work and stress was demanded of me and I don’t know how much I conveyed that in my daily writings. It was a lot. It has hit me, this is college. This is the challenge. Yeaah! And now I get a break.

I’m typing this up while sitting in the commons at school but I’m thinking about writing it as past tense from the future tonight when I normally blog.

Sat with Charlie and chatted for a little bit. I showed him the drawing I did of his wife during his thesis proposal and the one of him, of course. Ohh, I need to put the images I scanned from the school computers onto my thumbdrive.

Well that is done now. With plenty of time to spare I decided to embark on the half loop to the train station. It should be a straight shot from the school but the Post Office Headquarter Place is right in the way of it all. Normally I walk to Glisan and go down that to get to Union Station. This time I tried out the method of walking down Lovejoy. Sort of a mistake. It may have been a block shorter but it included going up the sidewalk that was on the route to go onto the Broadway Bridge.

Heather was in front of me at the ticket pickup. When I checked my bags, the man said that my train is actually a bus! Argh, the train is so comfy and the bus isn’t. And the bus may not have food and I’m hungry now. A granola bar can’t get me through 5 hours of sitting and commuting. Boo!! The people at the Greyhound station informed me that Amtrak has its own buses so thankfully I won’t have the Greyhound passengers to deal with. No apple being spat on me this time. The food kiosk at the station is closed so right now I am thinking about how to get some food before 6:15. I don’t think there is any fast food around here. Hmmn.

Didn’t get any food. A long announcement about cancellations and delays indicated that we had to line up for buses now. There is a group of us on express to Tacoma and a packed train of Seattles just left. So I think it will just be on way no stops or whatever. Woah. It is snowing again. Here’s hoping all will go well eh. I’ve been reading Deadpool in preparation for the Wolverine movie.

I sat next to a very nice man named Jason. We chatted about the iconic relationship a viewer has with the stick figure. He asked for my number after all of our chatting. Did I give it to him? Find out next time on Days of Trillians Life.

Tacoma has snow but the roads didn’t seem too bad, still mom told us to stay here for the night. Played Left 4 Dead (zombie game) on Nate’s comp. We ate breaded chicken and potstickers for dinner. Played some Wii. Now to sleep and hopefully get to Seabeck in the afternoon. Snow is scheduled for Sunday. I really, really hope that it doesn’t snow. I want to go to Kristen’s wedding.

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