

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

eye witness

I woke up to the sound of screeching tires. A truck was being driven by a moron. He was trying to get it up a hill freshly covered with snow and with no prior tracks to indicate that someone had made it up before him. He screeched and screeched and barely scooted. The ice won and his car reeled back and side swiped two cars. It took out both of the smaller cars mirrors and he dented and scraped the sides majorly. I went to check it out after the truck vanished. He didn't leave a note, I should have gotten his plate number or something, so I could leave a note with the busted car owners. Poor people, they are going to come out and their nice looking automobiles will be hit and runned.

Finished the costume for my last puppet. Need to practice the play a little more.

Did another couple shrinky dinks for my SciFri final.

Need to start in on Illustration work now. I hate how near the end they suddenly demand a digital copy of your work. They should be in practice to have us digitally document our work as part of the turn in process, that way it isn't so hard to just put it on a disk instead of getting it all together when we are busy enough.

I promised some food to be made for class but with the snow and cold in full force, I couldn't leave to get supplies. Oh well, people will just have to be disappointed I guess.

I had a headache and a stomach ache.

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