

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Love to Kristen and Kris

Nathan was waiting for a package containing a gift for me, sadly it did not arrive by the time we absolutely had to leave at. We ate this egg thingy for breakfast and set out on the road. The time flew for me because I was watching Iron Man on my laptop. Yeah! Iron Man!

The closer we got to Kitsap, the thicker the snow became and the more likely it was that I couldn't make the wedding, which was pushed up to today to accommodate the projected heavy snowfall. We picked up Rubie, and hauled it out to Seabeck to avoid the roads getting too terrible.

Mom was making gingerbread cookies and we gobbled them up with hasty decorations. It was quick to settle in to old times with a fire going and fat animals darting about. I'm resting in my cozy bed. The walls are now an orange color and mom set up lots of my art and knick knacks about the place. It looks so...guest bedroomy.

All my love and fondest wishes go out to Kristen and Kris. Happy wedding and I hope you have a lovely life together! I so wish that I could have made it and shared this day with you.

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