

Saturday, September 27, 2008

don't eat the icing

Got to school on time, got my papers all printed out and turned in, and I even contributed to class discussion a little. It is still dominated by the same few people. I think now I understand Blade Runner a little better. So much just went over my head. Next weekend is this HP Lovecraft Film Festival. Mike Mignola is going to be there. We have to read some Lovecraft next, just a couple stories. Well not "just" but it isn't as daunting as a whole novel.

Illustration critique was nice. It goes quick but the responses are fairly insightful and not full of the standard, "I like it!". Chad has no problem calling out bad presentation, but unless you admit you did it in an hour he doesn't seem like the type to say that it looks like you did. While mine missed the point a little, I got compliments on my lines and how it seemed like I put time into making it. Which I did. Marilyn whipped out amazing ink drawings once again, all though her jubilation piece wasn't that abstract. It looks to be an interest group still. Hard to tell what people do when it is abstract. The next assignment are three illustrations that accompany an excerpt from the Odyssey. We have three weeks for it in total. Now the "styles" come out. All though Morgan said to not be concerned with a style because if you try really hard at what you do, your personality will come through in all that you make. We had a lecture on caricatures and our in class assignment was to take either Obama or McCain and make a caricature of them as a food. I made a John McCupcake. It was his neck that inspired me. The shading was nicely realized and it did resemble him in the head shape and general neck area. Kevin, who drew him as an ice cream cone, captured the neck a lot better. Chase's Pumpkin captured his eyes. More people did Obama. Bekka rendered his smile so sharply. It was a great little assignment. Chad and I are going to have a one-on-one about how to set up a little job as a caricaturist. I think with a little practice, I could make some change. It isn't steady but it pays well.

When I got home I put on some R.E.M. and did the dishes. Then I watched Venture Bros and worked on my painting of Olivia from The Stars My Destination. The masking and base colors are in. I'm so productive, I love it. Today has been great.

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