

Saturday, August 16, 2008

surfing biker gangs

Yaay! Chris was down in Portland today. Very awesome. He was visiting some friends in Vancouver so they all drove down to Portland for the day. Karen loaned me her key and I was able to let them into the garage for free parking.

Lots of bright, fresh faced people were moving in. Some may have been PNCA, but I wasn't paying much attention.

With Chris were his Seattle University buddies Joe and Zoe. They were an adorable and very friendly couple. We loitered about at my place. I offered them Popsicles to combat the heat. It was hot. Very very hot. I am fine in my spot in front of the computer because I right where the air gets circulated, but everywhere else in the apartment is not fun.

We left to go see Tropic Thunder. We barely missed the max and waited in the shade for a new one. Joe and Zoe talked apart from us and Chris and I caught up a little.

The max was crowded and air conditioned. Probably crowded because it WAS air conditioned. The downside of the Pacific Northwest; sure it doesn't get as bad as other places but we have little relief from it.

Chris asked me if I had encountered any crazy people on the Max or bus, but because I don't take public transit that much I did not have any stories to share.

Jen was working behind the concession stand and I was all, "Hey Jen! Hi!" Earlier it was revealed that Zoe and Joe went to high school with SohKuhn, a classmate of ours. Crazy small world.

I enjoyed Tropic Thunder very much the second time around. I can understand why it is getting mixed reviews, but I still very much like it.

After we took a walk to Chinatown. So hot. Not muggy though. I stopped in at Floating World Comics. Jason wasn't around and it had been renovated so there was much more space. That store, once it gets all arranged, will look amazing. It will be a notable comic shop for sure. It has already risen in the ranks in the two years it has been up and running.

Joe and Zoe, having been to Portland on many occasions, knew of a little sushi place hidden away. Takahashi had a little train set up that scooted around with sushi on it. It was a "pay by the plate" type joint. Very cheap. I loved it. Chris and I each ate about seven bucks worth of the good stuff, while Zoe and Joe shared about 11 bucks worth. I was a sucked for some of the flower plate variety, but Chris fell for a blue flower plate. We went to the place at just the right time. It wasn't crowded and new sushi was just making the rounds. So that was great, someone comes into town you haven't met and you end up doing something new!

The ultimate tourist show off for Portland is Powells, so that is where we took Chris next. He couldn't find the biography that he wanted, but he did get a book on minimalist sculpture. I made two great finds. Both were Taschen publications. The first is Men's Adventure Magazines. It is an art collection of post war men's pulp illustrations. Basically women pirates lashing men, busty ladies escaping commies, busty ladies fighting commies, men fighting octopuses, etc. I love that kind of illustration. The second is a book on Symbolism in paintings. It has excellent references. Both books made for a nice little pair. Chris and I caught up with Joe and Zoe in the Red Room and made our purchases.

The streetcar was a little ways in coming, so some gelato was bought. I nibbled on Chris' and Joe had some of Zoe's. Before the streetcar arrived, a man came asking for donations because he was deaf. Joe knew some sign language and was trying to communicate with him but it was clear that the guy was faking it.

Another packed A/C public transit ride brought us to Jefferson street. There was some more hanging out but they didn't hang around too late as they had to get back to Washington. Before they left SOMEONE clogged my toilet (I know who, and I'll just say it wasn't Zoe).

I called Karen and Robin, to see if they had a plunger. I Googled some solutions if they couldn't provide. It isn't totally unstopped but it is mostly clear. Robin came by with a plunger but it didn't do much.

Three times tonight I heard Ibanez meow and he dropped a ball in my room. It is out last night together. Lindsay is taking him to her new place tommorow. Cecine moves in.

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