

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

curtains bought to not match

People knocked on my door at 8:30 and 9:30 just to confirm that there was going to be a cleaning at 10:00. The lady did a really great job. My old room smells awesome and she even did the bathroom! I put up my Ikea shower curtains so now it is all bright orange and warm in there, instead of sterile glaring white.

Finished Deadwood. It had an open ending but it wasn't so open that I was mad it was the series finale. It really tugged at my heartstrings those that few episodes. Overall the characters and setting were great but it had way too many deus ex machina character types. Most of the tertiary people came in only to do their part to move the plot ahead and that was annoying.

Didn't put much of a dent on the sorting of my room. I still have the rest of the week though.

Tomorrow I am going to the zoo with Jen, Matt, and some other people. Whee! Fun! It is $2 every second Tuesday.

Had a nice chat with mom. When she said a gallery of bad art reminded her of me, I was almost insulted but she made a nice save when she explained that she meant that she wished someone else was there to appreciate how bad it was.

Lindsay stopped by to cuddle her Ibanez. He was mad and barely cuddled. She managed to get her marriage certificate. The system almost works!

I've been neglecting my painting. I can't get in the habit of leaving work unfinished. Need to develop a portfolio in case I do decide to go to Brussels for a semester.

Holly Update:

Holly and Ibanez sometimes share my bed and appear to be friendly but most of the time they chase each other. All is well. She will go back to Chelsey in a week. And Karen should be able to divide up that time.

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