

Monday, July 28, 2008

pink liquid down the gob

Exchanged out a pile of things at the library, as per my Monday schedule. I now have two seasons of Deadwood (they are short seasons), Dogville, Strangers with Candy(the complete series), an illustration book, a packaging design book, and a nature inspired art book. Big big haul and it filled up one of my baskets. Craig was in the library and we talked a little about kittens and summers.

Jen got a job. So I guess it can be done, I just have to apply myself a lot better.

Lindsay came back from her weekend in the woods. She was profusely dirty but it looked like she had fun. Her hands are rubbed a little raw from doing the light show. Ibanez was glad to see her.

I am so exhausted, far more than any reasonable person should be during summer.

Deadwood is interesting thus far. Nice scenery and gruff characters saying oodles of bad words.

Holly Update:

Yeah so I woke up at around 6 am. Noisy kitten. I couldn't get back to sleep so I took a shower and ate some breakfast and called the clinic about getting an appointment. The first time I was put on hold and then disconnected, the second time I got through and they were very kind and made an appointment for me at 9. The clinic is on 14th Avenue, a staggering 2 blocks from where I live.

They were very quick to see me. They asked if it was about taking out her stitches and I said, "She took them out herself." They whisked the tiny black and white into the other room and I had read barely a page when the Vet came in and told me they cleaned the area, it was just the outer stitches (she has three levels of them), they put staples in that will have to be out in 10-14 days, I had to dab the area with a warm wash cloth, and I have to give her antibiotics twice a day.

The first antibiotics went okay. It is a liquid so I don't have to force a pill into her. She darted off and frolicked quite happily. Lindsay helped with the second dose. It didn't go quite as well.

Holly sort of goes after Ibanez. She sort of lunged at him and he fled into his room. I try to find time to cuddle Ibanez as well.

I hope she has settled down a little and I can get a good nights sleep. My faithful readers know that I certainly am keen on partying till midnight and later, so the thought of me desiring to be in bed at a quarter past ten must be outrageous.

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