

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

heat ladder

Slept in through my work out. Err. Oops. And when I got back tonight it was into quiet hours so I couldn't do that. I didn't want to work out in the middle of the day because..ehh I forget why. Anyway. Need to get into the habit of it. I am doing it for sure tomorrow. And going to Ikea with Karen. Fun fun!

I went to see Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson with Michael. I liked how it focused on his journalism and life. It barely touched on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (it had some bits), which was good in that it was about the man and this man whose work became a movie that was really popular. It truly was about it. I felt that it focused a little too heavily in certain areas of his life. It wasn't evenly paced but still it was fascinating, he was fascinating.

When we got out of the theatre there was a long line waiting for the next showing.

Made myself a big cheese steak for dinner. Delicious. Picked at a chicken for lunch. Need to get some vegetables.

The weather has picked up again. It has been in the 70's and now it is climbing towards the 90's again. I can't go out in that kind of weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C-cheese steak?... The forces of beef and dairy combined??


"I can't go out in that kind of weather!"

YEAH RIGHT!!--- You did it all the time in Komatsu.