

Sunday, May 25, 2008

burnt tuna and bright skies

Okay. I am ready. On top of things. Good to go. Yeah.

Couldn't sleep last night so I was up late reading comics. All Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (spectacular). Coward by...some dude (nice shadows). First chapter in Exterminators (love it so completely). Eventually fell asleep and even though I rolled out of bed at noon I got a lot done with time to spare.

Had to leave the comics I borrowed from Daniel at the comic shop. Got some lunch riding back. Really hot and sunny.

Tidied and cleaned my room. Excavated some sketchbooks and drawings. Reorganized some piles. It looks really nice. Wish I was capable of keeping it like that all the time. Maybe I'll try harder in the future. HA right. Good one.

Did the dishes probably about twice over. Did a load of them and put them away and cleaned the ones that wouldn't fit. Washed the ones that I used. Tidied up the living room and kitchen. Tidied the almost empty fridge. Dusted some of my shelves. Sorted through my knick knacks. Put up a couple posters.

Packed my suitcase. It isn't even full even though it has all my clothes and books in it. I think I am much better at packing. Much more practical. Also it is the Summer and I don't need so many coats and pants and whatnot. Got my portfolio sorted. This time around I will be showing prints (but not all of them because Yoshi has the pick of the prints for grading) and paintings. No charcoal drawings but a big yes on naked people.

I feel like I am missing something. Forgetting something. My passport is stowed away. I have my external hard drives. Have my comic. Have reading material. Cell phone. Hmmn.

Last time, I left a wake of mess in my departing. This time I am making sure everything is clean before I scoot off.

Chelsey came by to observe the HUGE thunder and lightning storm we were having. Massive. It lasted about an hour with lighting going off pretty much every minute. I could see it come down as well, not just the clouds becoming bright. Lovely rolling thunder as well. Spectacular. We chatted about apartment searching. Shared some tea. Then she left.

Karen also stopped by later on. We looked at creepy vintage valentines cards and enjoyed the rest of my tea. I accidentally burnt my tuna melt sandwich. Bummer. Oh well.

I'm not much of a cleaner but I think I did quite well today. A lot of work and effort but the results are noticeable.

Such an interesting shift from hot hot heat to scary scary night.

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