

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

illness shared by one

My voice is going out. I can't hit high notes without going silent and my regular voice is strained and creaky. I also have a dry cough to go with it. But I'm not tired or achy really, so that is good.

Printmaking was only somewhat productive. I am trying to flatten out my litho prints...it isn't working out that great. Etched and hardgrounded my bigfoot plate. Sprayed and etched and hardgrounded my duet plate. I think I did more but there was a lot of sitting around and looking at presentations. I stuck around for the full class though. That is always good.

Karen and I went to Urban Grind for lunch. I had a caramel steamer and a panini. Very filling and warm. Mmm.

Sort of sat in a daze for an hour and read a little of From Hell. Yoga was good but I couldn't relax enough at the end because of the pain in my chest (from my body wanting to cough).

I did the dishes and cleaned my room. I made a formal list of the order I have to work on my assignments. It isn't that long, but the projects are big.

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