

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

not so much romancing the stone as grinding it

I've put in about two extra hours on my painting of Jason. We might trade them (mine for his) so I want it to look finished. One eye is unfortunately higher than the other and it is noticeable from a distance. All in all though I really like the painting. It looks enough like him.

Printmaking moved on to Intaglio and we spent the majority of class in demonstration. Blimey is it ever time consuming. Hefting the stone. Grinding the stone. Grinding the stone. Grinding the stone. Grinding the stone. Grinding the stone. Laying out your images. Applying the image using a range of chemicals. Etching it with a further range of chemicals which may or may not burn a hole in the ground and are more than likely highly flammable. We aren't even onto the part about inking yet. I managed to smooth my stone out so I'm on top of things. I didn't have time to apply hard ground to any of my plates though. Soon, soon I will. On my prints I received an A and two B's. I have the chance to make them better for an improved grade and I will. I like that option. Yoshi wants us to really learn and not stop here just because we had a deadline.

I went to Whole Foods for lunch with a couple people from my class (the ones I have trouble remembering their names because they are not Rachel). That was a mistake because I bought heavy food and it cost way more than it should have. Damn! Tasty stuff though.

After folding some more cranes in the commons and requesting a note be put in the weekly announcements, I rode home. It started to rain but not so badly. I made it home in one piece. At around 8:00 I headed up to Karen's and we worked on our projects that are due tomorrow. My mixed media looks messy and mostly unfocused. It has a few cool parts but ehhh. I'll have a large amount of stuff up on the wall so it should balance out. Worked on my painting as well. Last night I watched Hot Fuzz while working on it and tonight we watched the good bits of Chicago.

Tomorrow is just critique and sitting around while people paint me. How fun!

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