

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

dust in the wind, and in my lungs

Spent the night, after my dinner of Udon and egg, cutting the hems off my work shirts. And collars, and bits of the sleeves. Basically the end bits. The collars were sitting a bit tight and uncomfortable. And the shirts I but in 6/7 packs for like, eleven bucks, so if I cut them up and they get wonky, it's not the biggest loss. Not that I'll toss them, just that they are work shirts. Now they are much more comfortable, and not so long! I wish Hanes made ladies shirts in the six packs. Maybe I should get XL boys shirts instead of S mens? I'll think about that next time I buy another six pack. Hahah. So I did that, and watched Captain America on Netflix. That was my night. Exciting!

My housemate Amanda was Skypeing with her boyfriend in the kitchen, and he startled me. Mostly because she was talking to someone who didn't seem to be there, and when I turned around, BAM there he was (on her iPad). I went "AHH!" and then scuttled out of the kitchen muttering about kids and their technology.

At work I burned some screens. Nine screens for three different jobs. Wait. No. I taped nine screens. I burned seven. And the rest of the time was spent doing some end of summer cleaning. Andrew vaccumed, and I cleaned the press. I dusted the press, and cleaned the ink off the press, and dusted some more. The studio looks really nice now. I also did some surface cleaning, and put away some ink. It's nice to take the time to clean, especially since due to the break, there is a lull in jobs. Not a big lull, just the pace slowed and we got the time to clean it all up, and now it should get back in action.

My skin is settling into a nice shade of tan. My face doesn't hurt from the peeling. It is still a bit pink on some areas of my body, but I don't think it will peel. My back has a really weird pattern to it. Ah, oh well.

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