

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

cog in the machine, but in a good way

Today work ran like a well oiled machine. Julie and Andrew and Chris's Dad were all in shop working (as was I) and we all worked side by side in harmony. I taped screens and cleaned screens and ran the shirts for the job. It was a smallish job and I had a good time of 14 seconds and nothing went wrong. Everything went really well. I like those kinds of days. Tomorrow we finally get to that massive job. The back design is super rad, though I shant divulge it here because I don't know what I can or can't publish about my work. It isn't uber secret, but I'd rather just err on the side of client privacy, ya know?

So, work was awesome. Reamde continues to be an awesome audiobook. Back at home I talked to Madeline for about two hours. We geeked out about geeky things, and it was most enjoyable.

Need to find some Santa Cruz activities to get me out of the house. Hmmm.