

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

noomi is awesome

Another crawl out of bed morning. I did wake up earlier, but didn't get out. Oh well.

Had some tea and oatmeal, and then we decided to catch the 4:30 showing of Sherlock Holmes. So I rushed a portrait and got it up and off we went to the theater!

It was a fun movie. Good filming, good actors. Nice to see more Moran and Moriarty baddie ness. A solid sequel.

We swung by Joanne's and picked up some of my art that mom had framed. Way too nice of a frame job for the pieces. Really way too nice. I've only won one award as as Illustrator! Wait till I get those Society of Illustrator awards.

Back at home I did some portraits. Gotta get ahead of the game so I can work on other pieces.

I don't have any real presents for Ma and Pa this year. Boo being poor and living in Seabeck. OHH CRAP I DIDN'T ORDER THAT THING THAT MOM ASKED FOR. ERRr....uhhh. Maybe I shouldn't type that.

Todays Portrait Is: Callum Blue.

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