

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

salad days take two

It was so cold it started to snow today! What the hey? I don' want snow. Well, I guess snow would be nice actually. My room is just the coldest point in the apartment because the window doesn't shut fully at the top. I tried to hit it closed, but it didn't quite work.

Oatmeal and tea breakfast.

Wandered down to Fred Meyer to get some cleaning supplies. Swiffer wipes and bleach and stuff.

I like walking around listening to audio books. Too bad it is so horribly cold. It would be nice to do when it is sunny and I can catch some of that sun.

Uhg, I've eaten too many sweets. Now I feel ill. I think I'll eat a salad to finish my days consumption. I've been eating a lot of salads lately. Go me!

Another lame duck day. Tomorrow I'll work on the proof for the print exchange. Totally forgot about it. Erk...

Todays Portrait Is: Morgaine Faye.

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