

Monday, April 27, 2009

chat chat chat go team!

Barely a moment to rest and I'm back at it!

Well, sorta. I got to rest a little bit before heading out.

Only a minute outside and I knew I had terribly misjudged the weather. A hoodie, a scarf, a shirt, light jeans, and sandals were not enough for the gray. Not even the start of enough. Still, I dealt.

First up was Amanda Hamilton's thesis proposal! She is illustrating some horror narratives from her childhood favorite fairy tales and creating a few of her own invention. It was a late start because some of the discussion panel was very late. Most of the questions were about the medium and what it means for her as an illustrator to be using oil. Why the crap does it matter if she uses oil if she says she can use it? Seems like they are doubting our department.

It was a break from then till lunch. I applied and exposed my screen in a jiffy. It didn't come out so I left it to dry and redo once the thesis above was over (the power washers disturb the people presenting). I grabbed some lasagna and salad and cookies and sat with Terry, Matt, Amanda, Nathalie, and Kim and we all talked about how awesome meat was. Jen was going to sit with us but decided against it. We will declare war on Jen later, for now we will just tax her peasants.

I got down to it with my Screen and it seemed to work the second time around.

I sat in on this expert Googling yourself course ran by Dan at the library. Then it was time for the Thesis Finale of Paul Wagenblast and Aiden Koch.

Paul and Aiden worked together and did fashion interpretations of love poems. Each one was both a direct symbol and something deeper based on the adjectives and thoughts the poems conjured up with the creators. It was a collaboration thesis. There was even a little performance where models walked slowly, showing each of the garments. It made total sense as an illustration thesis as well. It was a clear visual projection of a conceptualization of a piece of text. They illustrated the emotions perfectly, so what if they were 3D? Aiden is already pretty acclaimed and sure in what she does (and she just turned 21, I thought she was at least 25).

It was standing room only when I arrived 15 minutes early. Thom, Amanda and I were stuffed in the back. It was a lovely discussion about collaboration and the tradeoff.

I am almost too 100% memorized cube solving.

I was pushing right up to the time for the next thesis when it came to washing out my screen. Two people came down at like 5 till to inform me. I was like, "Yeah I know but I still have 6 minutes" or something. They were very frantic but I guess that clock was ahead and it was probably very noisy. I got the initial Luna print, printed. It is two transfers pieced together and the line where I put them together shows. I'll get a better transfer later. Right now I have three colors to do, which once I started getting done took no time at all. I'm only doing 24 prints of the Luna Plaid. If I do a color a day, I'll be in more than excellent shape. Tomorrow I plan to get another one done and knock out a chunk of my digital project. Long work day, here I come! But it ain't so bad, I get a free lunch.

I was in sandals and it was raining heavily so I took the streetcar. 8 minute wait! Argh! And then it went from 1 minute left to 2! The streetcar was going back in time! Sure I wimped out but soggy sandals do not make for good biking shoes. On the ride back I ran into Travis, this AI guy I met at Stumptown. We chatted a bit (well we have been chatting online because we want to connect the comic communities of our schools).

I kicked up my feet, ate some of Gabe's pizza, and read some of my book.

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