

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bacon Man!!

There was sleeping in and no going out this morning. I brewed up a pot of Billy Tea and all too soon it was time to stroll to the station. With an hours worth of time to do it, Llyw and I opted out of taking the streetcar or max. A guy was yelling at the Safeway cops. It was a lovely little visit but it ended all too soon.

I didn't feel like heading back to my place so I called Jen to find out if she wanted to catch the 2:15 matinee of The Wrestler at Cinema 21. I read Alex Garland's Coma while waiting outside the theatre for her. It is a brilliant day, not too chilly to get nippy and not too hot to overheat. With much time to spare, Jen and I went to the Blue Moon cafe for lunch. I had a root beer and a cheeseburger with tater tots. It was the perfect portion of food. The Wrestler was good. The character interaction seemed very real and it was a beautiful character portrait. Something just didn't click all the way through. It was very different for an Aronofsky movie.

Jen and I strolled but I split at 19th to go home. I took a bath to relax. I read some more of Coma. Felt like watching a bad movie so I watched The Happening. It was bad. Katie's friends Tom and Nikki came over and we watching Sharks in Venice. It is about this hidden gold that the Mafia wants and has put sharks in the Venetian canals to prevent people from getting it. Enter the emotionless Stephen Baldwin: archaeologist and diver! His leg got bitten off but...it wasn't. It was bad but good. Happening was just bad. Nikki (Nicky?)is pregnant. I suggested the name Bacon. The father's last name is Man(Mann?).

School tomorrow. Math. Digital painting.

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