

Friday, December 12, 2008

stressing out (like everyone else)


I was almost done with my forgery piece for Illustration when I smudged the gouache on the eye and then in trying to clean that up, I smudged the whole thing and pretty much had to go over everything again. The sweater was repainted, the shirt had to be made white again, the hair color and background was changed, and I had to do the black lines all over again. It was an exhaustive, frustrating process. It really killed me when it was smudged. I hate how it looks now. It's so textured and muddy. It lost the softness that it originally had. It's done enough but I really wish it was how it looked before I screwed it up. It all came out with this piece. I just...argh.

Adam knocked on my door to chill while Karen showed up. I texted her that he was here and she called and I went into the other room while they "sorted out" the meeting mix up. They were here while I screwed up my piece and were very nice about the breakdown I had.

Figure drawing was one long tonal pose. Mine looked like a hairball. I don't like this tonal stuff. I feel like I didn't have enough time to apply what I was told during midterm.

I worked on inking my comic during the break. Karen, Diana and I went to Safeway and I had an onion ring/jo jo/macaroni and cheese early lunch. Nicely priced and very filling. I took a nap during the last hour of my break. Farel was out sick so once I finished the inking, I went home.

While watching Land of the Dead and Idiocracy I finished the inking and started on a new forgery. The Kent Williams one was too much like my own style so I embarked on a Madoka Kinoshita. I put down the colors and layered thick, gouache black lines over it. That was my undoing.

Started watching Revolver. It is weird but I kinda dig it. Mark Strong is on my awesome actor list now.

I'm ready for this semester to be over.

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