

Sunday, August 31, 2008

bleach and ink

So Psychology Today has an article about the "Cult of Clean". I haven't got to it yet but I breezed through it last night and woke up with a hankering to do some sanitizing. I whipped up some bleach and cold water and did the counters and handles and bathroom. Mmm everything smelt really clean.

I need to start forcing myself out of bed earlier. I managed, with some nice asking, to get the free haircut card for Bishop's. They gave all the Freshmen a freebie but Cecine probably wouldn't get her hair cut before it expires so score! Going in bright and early tomorrow.

Psychology Today is fascinating. The article about style is summed up by saying how to have style is to go against consumerism because you are buying things that you actually want versus what people tell you that you need. I like that idea. Style is to be aware of yourself. Also I am a "taste hunter" and go after an eclectic variety of things and prefer to surround myself diversity. I'm open and creative. Yeah!

The new people in the Goose just LOVE being loud. And they sure enjoy doing it right outside my door.

Cecine and I watched Wristcutters today. It is about this land where you go when you commit suicide. It is a place where no can smile and there are no stars. I wasn't expecting that at all. Tom Waits is in it, but mostly as a background character. I really liked the format of it, I think more slightly supernatural movies need to exist. Looked like it was filmed around Joshua Tree. It ended up being really sweet and it didn't try to force a message (it was there but subtle). I maybe recommend it for mom.

For lunch we shared a Bellagio's pizza. I was stunned when we finished the whole thing. Even when I get it with Jim, I've never been able to finish a small with breadsticks before. Ohh but it was good pizza, my favorite (feta and chicken).

And then we were off to get Cecine all inked up something fierce! We caught the streetcar but a ticket checked boarded on Johnson so we dashed off. I can't afford to be caught. It was a quick trek from Johnson & 10th to Lovejoy & 17th. We had to buzz the lady to let us in. The tattoo place, Above the Pearl, is a part of a large building reserved exclusively for art, business and craft. Her studio was very white and sterile looking with lots of nice art. The tattooist's tattoos were classy looking. Some forms were filled out, Cece's shoulder was shaved, the stencil was put on her shoulder, and in just over an hour of buzzing she was permanently inked! It went super fast but the line quality remained nice and neat. She didn't even whimper! Very brave. I've never seen someone get a tattoo before. A great experience. Not that I suddenly want to jump in and get one...

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