

Sunday, May 4, 2008

where has all my ultramarine gone?

Mm yes, another missed post. It happens. I'll post some artwork to make up for it.

I worked on my Art History painting a little in the morning. Got a few generic washes in on the suit and face and background. Fry looks a little like a corpse.

Jim came over around 3:20ish. We had a date(ish?) to see Iron Man. It almost was a double with Lindsay and Keesee but she opted out of it. We caught the 4:15 at the Metro. Wasn't as full as I was expecting. Got great seats. Iron Man was...well they showed some of the best parts in the trailers but it was great seeing them all big like on the screen. Robert Downey Jr. was spectacular, the effects were amazing, and the bit with Nick Fury after the credits was all WHOOO. It was in between good and great. It needs another movie (and it had a huge opening weekend gross so there should be more). It had a lot of trailers before the film. My sum up of them is as follows: Indiana Jones 4 looks actually really cool and seems to keep in spirit with the older ones, Dark Knight just gets better and better and now we see more of Harvey Dent, Incredible Hulk looks as cool as the first trailer, Love Guru...just looks horrible, what is Mike Meyers doing? and finally Don't Mess with Zohan looks just awful. Terrible. So a yay on the block busters, a nay on the comedies.

Afterwards we wandered about trying to figure out where to eat. We didn't get too far when Jim noticed he didn't have his cell so we went back to the theatre to check. It was under the seat. We went with Cha Cha Cha. Or...Ole Ole. Uhm. One of those. I had a quesedilla, he had one of those massive burritos and got about 3/4 of the way through. It was nice. It was fun. I probably won't get to hang out and go out for the next two weeks. I'll be doing the art stuff nonstop. Brilliant!

Got up. Walked about enjoying the sun. Then went inside and worked.

And worked.

And worked.

Paint paint paint. Watched the rest of Memento. Watched A Scanner Darkly. Watched some Doctor Who. And got my Stephen Fry painting DONE. Not sure if it looks much like him though. I'm not totally keen on it but it is what it is.

I talked to Ellie today. Long time to chatty. Talked with Briana as well. Double dose of old friends!

Karen returned my lightbox. She gave me tons of cookies in thanks for lending it too me.

Robin stopped over for some night time tea and cookies. We chatted. I showed her my small photo album. Chatted some more. We all need a little company, or else we will go crazy and talk to our cats and have conversations about how you(the cat) are TOTALLY spoiled and have WAY too many toys. Yeah.

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