

Sunday, January 27, 2008

figured out something today

Slept in till noon again. A decent time. Watched Twin Peaks and just messed around. Didn't really do much. At all. Slowly have to get back into the work ethic for school. I didn't get out of the house till after 5, and that was only a quick grocery run. I'm trying out this fizzy yogurt in a tube. It is actually really tasty. I like my yogurt in tube form, and not chunky with bits. Anyone who knows me knows I do not like bits. It was also consumed to get the hideous taste out of my mouth.

The taste caused by when I figured out what off milk tastes like.

Jim called me around 6:30 and I met him halfway and we swung by Boyd's real quick and I picked up a hot beverage and he a cinnamon roll. Then we went back to my place and hung about and gossiped. Had a nice little visit and talked about comics and going back to school and how crazy the teacher Morgan was. Lindsay shared her two cents on that crazy teacher subject. He left with my Animal Man comics (in borrowing form) at about nineish and I kicked back.

I think, if I have time, I would really like to reread The Fountain by Aronofsky. The art is beautiful, I have been shuffling through it recently. So if I can't read it, I will just study it.

Ibanez has taken over the living room with his cardboard and paper play area.

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