

Friday, January 11, 2008

being out and about is awesome

Another day back home. Another day spent out and about. Another day spent with Michael. Another day well spent. Whoo!

Lazed about in the morning, watched a little Love Actually while my mind got in gear. Made a grocery run (bananas, juice, apples, bread etc.). After the grocery run I gave Michael a jingle and went to catch the Max. Transferred from the Max to buy a ticket and wait for a Yellow line to show up. There was a lady mumbling and some really "Seabeck" looking people on it (if you get my drift). Otherwise an effortless travel.

We just hung out at his (and Matt and Andy's) place and watched movies and TV. Watched 5th Element (awesome) and Galaxy Quest (also awesome, and this time I looked for the line they dubbed over to make it PG). Good movies. Watched my first episode of the insanely cheesy Supernatural as well (and I mean cheesy). It is nice to just hang about outside of Goose Hollow. There is a lot to be had else where.

Dad is visiting for the weekend so that is VERY cool. Hopefully he will cook me lots of delicious meals.

Oh and I got my rainpants in the mail today!! Thanks Celia! Looooove yooooou!! ♥♥♥

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