

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

the power

Guess what?
I AM DONE WITH FINALS! EARLY! HAhAhah! YEAAAHHH!! Whooo!! Now I can buy y'all presents in my free time (haha not really...).

Art History had some difficulties with the technology (how many times has this happened?) so we rejoined at 9:30, when someone was there to tend to the technology. We watched a video about cathedrals that featured a guy talking about them in modern day and some really cheesy animations about people building one. Super cheesy. Those cathedrals are just, wow! So much detail, how come we don't have more structures like that?

I finished my second collage for 2D design. I used all recycled images; nothing new was produced for this piece. I used gouache from my color wheel, magazine cutouts, these weird Japanese cards left over from...something, I don't know, and the photos from the darkroom that didn't quite cut it for being finalized. It represents "isolation". I think it does it quite nicely. Sort of. Uhh. Well I'm done and that is good.

I had some of Yo's soup for lunch. I wasn't able to finish it but Robin had the rest so there was no waste.

I was the first up for critique in Time Arts. It went pretty well, the comments were really useful and honest. It was a real critique it felt like, none of that "yeah the composition is nice" stuff; I really felt like they payed attention to my work. I had printed out some minicomic versions of my final and Diana, Marilyn and Pete took them with enthusiasm. I'll print out some more for Wednesday; for class and comic club. Yay! That went really well. Well and good. Good and well.

Amanda had an animation completed and went after me. It was AMAZING. 200 individual sketches she did for the final! Holy cow! It was beautiful. That girl is crazy talented. Go Amanda! Rose had a great comment about her piece, "The power of animation! You could be in Narnia."

Kim gave an extra-credit presentation about artists whose art is wrecking up flats and the like with parties and calling it installations. Uhm, yeah. Then it was a work day after that so I got to leave at 5:30.

Lindsay made delicious hot cocoa and we had extensive girl talk.

Craig stopped by to return the comics I lent him. We chatted about cats (his, mine and Ibanez) and..umm I think it was mostly cats. Hahha. Craig gets to move out of Goose Hollow. Lucky duck.

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