

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


29 reclaimed screens! Got the tape off, and the ink off, and the emulsion off! I tiered them in 5's, so when I was removing the emulsion, I did a stack of 9 then 10 and 10. I got the pressure washer going in good time, and since I've learned to check the gas levels religiously, I didn't come close to running out. It took most of my day to do all that work, because most of the screens had ink to remove, and that is a lot of screens to pressure wash. Still, I'm getting good at the pull start and I feel my strength going. Even though I'm not lifting heavy things, I'm still using my arms to maneuver this and that about. Yay, strength! I plugged away at the screens, while printing and other things went down on the other side of the shop. I listened to Reamde, which is getting quite exciting. I wasn't too into it at the start, but now I am. I should keep track of the audiobooks I've listened to while working. I'll make a little list on the side of this blog, because something needs to take up that space.

I also broke down the press (which means to take out the screens, set them in the back to be reclaimed, and to remove the squeegees and floodbars and to scrape as much ink back into the containers as possible). And I cleaned the squeegees and floodbars in the sink. Annnd that was that! It looks like there are some more jobs to be caught coming down the pipe, as there are some freshly burned screens.

Returned home. Ate some rice and seaweed and dried mango and drank tea and read on the couch. I also looked at Calphalon pans (online), because I want to get one for preparing my morning meals. The pans available to me are a bit too small or big or just heavy (housemate's pans I mean). I liked the Calphalon ones that Josh & Carmen have. They handled really well. But I shall hold off on such purchases, because rent will be due in a couple weeks, and I need to be all responsible about my money. Still, I liked how quick it was to fry up an egg and slide it onto a piece of toast. Num nums. Buuuut that can wait. Need to be patient while things settle. Someday I shall have a nice pan!

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