

Friday, March 9, 2012

errands and thinking about expanding my skills

Had a toast and two cups of tea breakfast. Even woke up at a fairly reasonable hour.

Ma, Holly, and I went for walkies at Scenic Beach State Park. It was a nice beach walk, though Holly tried to pull me into the branches. We only saw one other person at the park.

I returned Mom and Holly to Seabeck, and headed into Silverdale to run some errands. I deposited my Bitch Magazine check. Whooo! Now to spend it! Just kidding (not really). I went to Best Buy to look at tablets. I don't have a good one to produce digital art with, and while I am generally a traditional artist I should be well versed with the computer, and be able to do computer art. A mouse, hell the touchpad on my laptop, doesn't cut it. So a tablet would be a good buy in regards to my career and move and all that. So I looked at tablets. Don't know which to buy though. Bamboo Create or Intuous4? I'm leaning toward the Create...or maybe the Capture. Hmmn.

After Best Buy, I went to Kinkos to look at their Business Cards. Even without shipping they cost more than some of the online card companies. And they only have three kinds of paper, none of which I really like. And you have to buy like...250 cards. Ehhh. I think I can do better. Need to design a card first, of course.

On the way home, I swung by Kristen's old place, where my hair straightener and book apparently is. Neither Randy or Anthony could find it though. They'll get back to me about it, I'm sure. I should have been more on the ball a few months ago in regards to my straightener.

Back at home, a salad was waiting for me. We watched a bit of Of Gods and Men, but none of us were feeling it.

Mom is resting and listening to American Gods. It is early in the night for me to blog, but I don't see anything else happening.

Tomorrow I shall lay out my business card. That is my tomorrow goal.

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