

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Caught up on the sleep. I haven't really been missing it or sleeping poorly, I was just so very exhausted by the whole week. Felt woozy in the morning but eventually I got all my things together. I finished carving my block and went to print!

I got there as the class was shuffling out so I loitered while some space opened up. Robin and Lacey (different Lacey) were in the center studio as well.

The first roll up indicated just how shallow some of the carving was so I cleaned off the ink and started carving into it. Took out some of the wrong chunks. Oh well. Second roll up and with some pressure got it looking exactly how I wanted to. But, BUT the block was bleeding blue! Some of the ink I had previously used had been absorbed into the block and was coming out of some of the lines. I tried cleaning it off and hopefully the next time I print, it will work out.

Robin gave me a Valentine's Day Card. It was lovely and special.

I went home and spent the rest of the night there. Katie, Gabe and I had a wee bit of wine. The night went long with Spinal Tap and Uno and Oreos so I ended up just crawling into bed and completely forgetting about writing.


Woke up at 8 and I could not get back to sleep at all. So I watched TV on my computer until the rest of the world woke up.

Mom and Pop sent me a lovely See's Heart for Valentines. Very wonderful and tasty.

Gabe made biscuits (from scratch), gravy (with bacon, also from scratch), and eggs (from the store) for breakfast. It was all piled together in a mound of awesome.

Did my laundry. It finished just in time for me to dash out and see Synecdoche, NY with Jen. I've been wanting to see it but it was definitely different than what I thought it would be. It is a long epic depressive movie. It left me feeling nothing but considering a lot. It has to do with death and being the star of our own tragedy and comedy. And the future. It has to do with a lot of things and the creator said that there are no wrong ideas about what it means. Hmmn.

We went to Powell's and I spent the rest of my gift certificate on Clive James' Cultural Amnesia. It was marked half off already and I only ended up spending $4 out of my pocket. Yeah!

Jen ate lunch at Roxy's. I had a soda. We hugged and parted.

I folded and put away my laundry and folded and putted away some piles of neglected clothes. Listened to music on my Audio Technicas.

I have two party invites for tonight and while I feel I should go to one, that movie sucked all the energy out of me. I'm sure once I show up, I'll have a good time but right now. Uhg. One is for Kurt and Kody, Katie's friend and Karen's friends roommates (but I don't think Karen is going). The other is Thom's (previously misspelled in this blog as Tom) Single Awareness Shindig. They are both on the East side and both are at 9 so it will be a journey either way. Dunno what I'll do.

Update: After lots of false stops and starts, I ended up staying home from it all. I didn't want to bike the 60 blocks to Thoms and at first it seemed like I would have to take the bus with Katie. Then Karen said she was there and she drove so I was like, okay sure and Pattie offered a ride to us there. But then Karen was sick and left early so I decided once and for all to stay out of it.

Karen and Adam stopped by for a little bit and we chatted about comics and Oryx and Crake. Now I'm hungry again so I think I'll make a quick thing of pasta.

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