

Thursday, November 13, 2008

spoil sport

Well my Jet Ski picture went over well. It didn't award much discussion. I blahed on about Eli Roth for some reason. I talked about a lot of things today for some reason. I ramble when I'm tired. Blah blee blah. Some nice pirate pictures. Karen's was painted wonderfully, Diana's was greatly rendered, Lacey was of course awesome. Her lines are so smooth. She is going to be in Graphic Novel with me. Booyah!

We moved onto pencil in Figure Drawing. I wasn't able to get contours on all of them but the move in medium shows my improvements in skill. The last drawing, Karen and I drew on the same picture at the same time and near the end Diana joined us. It looked really cool though very off.

During break I looked up Bruno Paul and Edmund Dulac to decide which to do for my sketchbook reproduction. I settled on doing close up studies of parts of Dulac's work. Try to get better brushwork over composition. Technically not what we are supposed to do but I'm too tired to care right now and it's only 11:31pm! I didn't get a good sleep last night. Sometimes it is nerves, sometimes it is Cece not being quiet enough when she comes and goes.

I had set my stuff down on the library couch and left to do some computer work (nearby, all my stuff was still in sight). I went to sit and rest and some people were having some INTENSE RELATIONSHIP ADVICE CONVERSATION. I figured they would either tell me to buzz off or move or be really quiet but they kept going with their exchange of advice and problems. Karen was napping near them as well. It was weird how private it was and how loud they were during it.

There was an opening in Pearl's schedule so I slipped in and sorted out what I'm taking next semester. Kurt is only teaching the alternate Illustration Studios now. I will have four different teachers through my four semesters in my Sophomore and Junior year. Chad and then Daniela, Martin and then maybe Daniela again. I really don't like that switch. I came here expecting and wanting a year of Kurt and a year of Martin. Sure different teachers breeds variety but you also start fresh each Semester and don't have the familiarity to build up a relationship through a year. It is really hard to be brutal and grow when you having gotten past that boundary with people in critiques. It takes ages and a semester just isn't enough. Argh. So I switched my Illustration Studio. Also I am saving the internship for the summer or my Junior year because I need to find out where I want to go first and then apply. I have no idea and the school doesn't have a list. You just pick and they help you get it. I'd much rather do it when I have the time to devote and I'm not busy worth school and work. So I added Relief & Screen with Yoshi to my schedule. In talking with Pearl, I decided to just go for it and take classes even if I don't need them to graduate. It is the same price to take 4-6 classes so I might as well take 5. Why not? I'm here to learn so I'm going to learn! Also I think this printmaking medium might apply more to my style than the previous one I learned.

Painting was more nude models. Jen made me blush. In conversation it was revealed that the model was the same red head dreaded lady who I briefly met during my pre-college experiences at PNCA in 2006. Small world! I think. Our new assignment is to draw a portrait of a recognizable public figure. I was thinking Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr. or David Sedaris. The first because I have no guff with him and would like to portray him as so, the second because he has a great face with lots of character, and the third doesn't need explaining.

Finished painting my comic. Looks sloppy. It is decent from a distance but I just don't feel that dandy about it. I'm not too stressed about critique though, everyone is so damn nice that they'll never say anything too harsh. Not done with Handmaid's Tale (Even 100 pages a week is too much for me and too slow a pace for this class) but I can still respond to it. I just can't talk about the end and I am not looking forward to having it spoiled for me in class tomorrow.

Jen said that my blog has become less interesting recently and is just Gap Gap Gap. So, what should I do to spice up the blog? Include stories about Ninjas? Gossip about fictional PNCA students? Post more art? Tell lies about Jen?


Anonymous said...

Meh, just find new ways to present the same material. It's good creative exercise (something I need to do more of...)

Fun fact: I'm currently friends with one of Keanu Reeves' cousins/second cousins. Fun stories about that!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is always interesting!-lp