

Saturday, November 22, 2008

in reverse (duh)

We were tired and came to a consensus that Robin won at Munchkin. She just sailed through getting level after level. Amazing! I drew some profiles as examples for vases Adam could potentially make. He also said he would make me a glass piece of bacon. Can't wait. I gave everyone the present I got for them at Trader Joe's: advent calenders! They were having a sale so I grabbed a bunch for my Munchkin pals. They loved it.

Did my laundry, watched the new episode of The IT Crowd. Ironman was playing at the film night last week so I missed out on that, it was Batman Begins this week. I didn't feel like watching it so I didn't stick around. Hovered over some people while they priced and put together their art sale stuff. Taylor is putting some of his work in it and is asking for a LOT of money. Like sixty bucks for something he just whipped up in history of design. Blimey! I worked on my Keanu portrait. Some time this weekend I will have to go to school and finish that up. Maybe tomorrow or Monday as I will have to go in and return some books then (that Karen very nicely checked out for me). James and I chatted after illustration.

Our in class assignment for illustration was intense. We were given 21 lines of a children's story, 16 double page spreads, and 13 people to spread them out between. I got a part from The Silly Knight where he was walking in the forest. Oh did I mention we had to draw these in about two hours? Yeah, it was a action packed 120 minutes. 20 questions were flying like mad. Our knight was based after Tom's drawing mostly (I tried to make a design but no one payed much mind to it). It was very fun. Our story was more humorous looking than the original but lacked some of the contrast. Mine was the only one in color (I left my ink at home and old had gouache but neglected to remember that I had black gouache which would have acted the same as ink almost).

Robin and I went to Safeway and got some of their Chinese menu for lunch. It was unsatisfying and tasted horrible once it got cold. Not worth the price.

Due to his newfound interest in installation art, I made an introductory packet about installation for Adam. Photocopies of sculptures and illustrations and excerpts from texts about the stuff. Also some writings of my own thoughts on it as a medium.

I wasn't selected for having the best of three for the fountain design. We had a judging panel critique where we did three at a time and the best of the three is going up on the Illustration wall. Madeline, Tabor, Janessa, and Sivonna had prize designs. Many people were missing from class (some people have missed what seems to be half of the total sessions). No rain!

Science friction was a rather general discussion about Watchmen. Just stuff about characters and what it means to be a novel versus graphic novel and all that. Next class should be a little more dynamic. I said some useless things. For some reason Blair ate his yogurt with chopsticks.

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