

Sunday, November 16, 2008

a few hours of no motion

Caught up on sleep today. 3am-8:30am and then 8:35-9:45 and then 10-12 and then 12-1:30. Then it was time to get up. Oatmeal and left overs have kept me sated.

I looked over my schedule for next week and I don't have many things due; a mini presentation on Duchamp, some reference pictures for a painting, some float design sketches, and a response to something I've been recently rereading on my own time. That is quite nice, I can even get a jump on things. My Duchamp paper is getting planned out in my head so I should make a rough draft summary thing for it. I'm not psyched about the float design. Building bridges? Argh, how hokey. No wonder the Rose Parade is loosing interest with the younger folks.

Now I am just sitting all cozy like in bed reading. Time Traveler's Wife is good but the writing in the middle isn't as good as the start. I think it is showing some of the signs of being a first novel, whatever that means. Almost as if she used up her great descriptive powers to set the scene and doesn't know how to continue it. But I'm keeping with it. The movie must have been delayed because I know it was supposed to come out around this time and there isn't even a trailer for it. Weird.

I work from 2:00-6:30 tomorrow. That will be nice, I'll get out and about.

So, who is visiting me for Thanksgiving?

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