

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Nathan is so farty. And he can totally control it! Gross!

More frolicking in the snow. We made a killer sledding run on both sides of the drive way. When ever mom went down, Holly ran after her. I wiped out and continued to roll down the ground. After all the spinning, it took about a minute to get my bearings back. We moved to try the main hill out for sledding. Someone had driven down it so there were tracks already in place for us. There was a lot of speed and wiping out. One ride down the hill cracked the sled I was on. We really need new sleds, it HAS been about a decade with these ones.

Mom made waffles. MMmm.

Once the sun set, we started playing board games. I had some tea and got really really hyper. We played Chinese Checkers (I won!), Pictionary (mom and I won!), a few rounds of Spoons (dad didn't win), and the game of Life (Rubie and Mom were really close but Mom won!).

It is so nice to just...relax and frolic.

My work schedule came in. They want me to work for three hours on the 28th. Yeah, I'm going to call them and try and sort that out. I don't want to come down just for a shift to earn a measly 25 bucks. They don't have me working at all for the rest of the week either. Sure I want to make a good impression so that they'll keep me around but considering how little work I'm being given for the time they ask of me...argh yeah.

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