

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

kiri kiri kiri kiri

Oh my... Cece got Netflix and her current one is Audition so I decided to rewatch it. The first time I saw it was with no subtitles and it was in German. Chris and I just poked fun of it throughout. We got a general idea of what happened but none of the real specifics. Watching it again, awwhh God. I felt really ill during several of the scenes. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...like today! Today was good!

I had my midterm figure drawing review with Morgan. He said that some of my drawings were work that I could not have done 8 weeks ago, that my work has a good humor about it and I have very nice marks. He seemed to like what I have been doing and suggested that I pay close attention to measuring out the three dimensionality of the figure. After that, I payed close attention to the volume and my 30 minute drawing looks pretty darn good. I improve every day!

History of Design feature a lot of futurismo...futurisma...futura...futuristic whatever architecture. I loved the sketches and was saddened to learn that the real construction of monolith cities is actually either impossible or when it does happen, it turns out it is against how humans live. Science fiction lies to us! Other things were discussed but darned if I can remember. I wish she would give a better explanation as to why things are so awesome and that we should be excited about it. Okay I get that hand making curvy font is revolutionary but could you explain in better detail why?

Student council took 30 minutes to decide to cut food down. Damn, well I was getting sick of the weird soup anyway. It wasn't that appetizing today. Tom Manley, the president, talked about how awesome the school is and answered our questions. He was cut a little short by the lengthy discussion about food.

I'm right on track with my painting. The background is generally dealt with, the patterns are mostly in, the poem is included, and lots of other stuff I guess. Just a lot of little things. It has a lot going on, I can't wait to see it finished and I hope it isn't busy.

You know what is Friday? DAVID SEDARIS!! I printed out my ticket. I can't wait ohmygaaawwd so excited.

Now to sleep, for I have to get up in seven hours.

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