

Sunday, October 26, 2008

brainwashing 101

The preliminary training went very well. It was a general scope of Gap Inc. and the Gap Card and helping people and whatnot. We spent a good hour on just the paperwork. Lots of signing things and filling out W4's. The first few videos had really high production values but as the films they showed us progressed, they went down and down. I had no idea just how powerful Gap is. I'm glad to be working for them because my Gap clothes are still in good shape years later and now I will acquire some new ones for the next years of my life. Also: who wants Gap Clothes for Chriiiistmaaaaas??

The Nordstroms girl and the first job girl (Danielle and Jasmin I believe) were hired at Gap Kids as well, so that is cool. I was hoping for that. There were only about three guys hired and about 17 girls. It wasn't all just the Lloyd Gap stores, it was the Washington Square Gap and this one store I forget the name of that sells Gap Maternity. Lots of nice looking people. We were given things to read through, role playing to do, quizzes to take, and lots and lots of emphasis about how awesome the Gap Card is. The Gap Card is almost more important than sales it seems because if you get someone to own a Gap Card then they shop at your store more over other places and you get lots of cool rewards. I was almost convinced but then I pulled myself back, I think I get enough rewards as an employee. Speaking of which: at the end of the session they were giving out accolades for the people who spoke up and interacted the most and yours truly got one! I also helped Steve (my new manager along with Paula) carry some chairs back to Gap Kids so I'm making a great early impression I think.

No hours assigned yet but it looks like I start Wednesday. Might not make it to either Comic Club or Yoga then. We shall see how it plays out ya.

I chatted with Karen who was on duty and surveyed the clothes at the regular Gap store. Question:

Which sweater should I buy first? The red ruffly one, the tan cable knit, or the lavender striped one? Keep in mind that they are all 50% off!! I can only use the 50% towards me. Absolutely. Positively. Towards me. Only. If I use it for gifts it is discount abuse. I can use my all around 30% for gift buying and that is still pretty good.

The Max was pretty vacant going to the store but it was crowded going back. I sat next to a very facially pierced man who listened to his music way too loud for his ears. The zombie walk is going on today, I think I saw a protester with a repent sign at the Pioneer Square. I didn't feel up to it so I spent most of the night just looking feebly over my Red Shirt notes and eating carbs. Robin invited me over to mooch some of her delicious squash soup. Mmm. It was so orange and warm and tasty. She says it is as simple as boiling but I think she is just being humble. We had a group hug and now I am looking at my notes. I think I'll try to cram it into four pages for ease of printing and scanning.

Guess the Halloween costume:


Anonymous said...

I can't guess on the Halloween costume - maybe a puppet where they're pulling your left side strings? Sweater - the tan roped one would be warm and seems fashionable. Work - well, maybe they can change the club meeting times for you to be able to attend.

Anonymous said...

Could it be tintin? -lp

Anonymous said...

blistering blue barnacles - it is Tin Tin Woooooooooooooo says Snowy.