

Saturday, September 13, 2008

bald friday

I didn't say much in lit class. Trevor talked for the majority of it. Lots of deep concepts and things to talk about concerning the chapter I didn't get to. But I did get a reading response of sorts in. A significant portion of the class left for the Thursday one instead. We watched a couple clips from various Frankenstein movies and discussed the changes. We also watched a bit of Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter. It was almost as bad as Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter.

Illustration Class was divided into three parts. First we put out samples of our work to get an idea of who we were dealing with. Marilyn's inking skills are insane. If only she could finish a piece. There was a nice variety in both skill and where people were going with their images. I am, for the most part, really happy with my class. I'll be seeing, hopefully, a lot of these people during the next three years. The portfolio review took us right up to lunch. Robin and I went to Whole Foods together where I misjudged how heavy my lunch was. It was good, just not $8 good. I need to get into lunch packing shape. Try as hard as I may, I just can't get Robin to take more of an interest in comics! Boooo!!

We lounged in the lounge and ate our lunch with Liz and a girl from class who I feel bad that I have forgotten her name. Jim joined us for a little bit. There was a Cosmo Girl on the table. According to Cosmo Girl: pot is really, really addictive!!

The second part of class was spent studying the composition in certain slides by redrawing them. We used ink and our new fancy Sable hair brushes. I wasn't sure what size to get so I got both a 0 and a 6(they were on sale) but I needed a 2. Dang!! Well I have a certain love now for brush and ink. Looks so nice. I hauled in my ink box today, which turned out to be entirely unnecessary. The third part was a little illustration history lesson. Homework was assigned for next week and we were let out a little early. Robin and I walked home together. It was a nice meandering path back under a toasty Portland September sun.

A Popsicle was had and before I knew it, it was time for tonight's TBA. I saw Zidane: a 21st Century Portrait. I loved it for how the music by Mogwai added to the tension during many moments of the movie. I hated how it was 90 minutes of Zinedine Zidane playing soccer/football. Well not hated but it was seriously 90 minutes of intense focus on him through an entire single game. There were some subtitled quotes about 45 minutes in and some footage of events that happened elsewhere on that day but most of the movie was the tense close ups of the game. Still, I would watch it again over a Sophia Coppola movie. I sat next to a guy who is in my History of Design class. We chatted about books we like. Modou was right behind me. He was wearing sunglasses indoors. Eh? But yeah, the movie was long and quiet and there were many kids in the audience.

No one messed with my bike this time around. I needed to unwind and undo some of what this TBA Festival has done to my mind, so I went to see a normal, regular movie. All though not quite an everyday movie because it was the new Coen brother's film Burn After Reading. The 9:30 was sold out so I loitered around for the 10:15. I should have seen the sign that it wasn't what I expected it to be when people left the theatre very serious like. I thought it would be to No Country for Old Men what The Big Lebowski was to Fargo (haven't seen it, but I am sure it isn't a light hearted Coen romp). Instead it was a tragedy with many smiles contained. A decently crafted yarn but the Red Band trailer gave away a lot of surprises and overall plot points so it ended up being a little expected to me. It wasn't as complex as I would have hoped but all the actors were on their A-game and created real, believable characters. I was surprised by it, but I did enjoy the film.

Now I really need to begin the three night process of sleep reclamation.

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