

Monday, June 9, 2008

Chicons au Gratin, not to my taste

Today was planned to be full of museum visits. When we arrived at the first one it was found to be closed. We went to a tourist information center and it was revealed that all museums in Brussels are closed on Monday. No such thing was mentioned in the guide book. Most of the rest of our Brussels plans were museums so we were at a slight loss.

We walked around and found three more comic walls. The one that was called to our attention about being hard to find was indeed that. Couldn't find it at all. When we go to the museum, we will ask about it. Maybe.

It was a very warm day today and I opted for my sandals. A bad choice. My feet wore out and I had to change them at around 3. But we didn't really have any plans so the return was not much of a disturbance. Had some Belgian fries for lunch.

It costs 40 cents to use a public toilet in Brussels.

I picked up some goodies at the Tintin Boutique. Little odds and ends.

After I changed shoes we went for a walk towards the East of our hotel. Just meandering. Picked up some orange juice and sat in Ambiourix Square (or as it says on the bilingual map; Square Ambiourix Square). I'm on the final story in the new Sedaris.

We went to a nearby Italian restaurant for dinner. La Bottege I believe. I took a chance and ordered Chicons au Gratin. I recognized the "ham" and "gratin" part of the explanation of what it is. It ended up being endives wrapped in ham and cooked in a cheesey sauce. Didn't really like it. Sort of did at first but then...not so much. It was an experience. The wait staff was nice and friendly. They saw my drawings over my shoulder and dad encouraged me to show more. That embarrassed me. I haven't really liked any of the sketches I have done thus far. Don't have the proper supplies, or the will to sit for three hours.

Now I am watching The Princess Diaries in French on TV.

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